The following external links are provided for students, parents and catechists. Just click on the blue highlighted title and the site indicated will open in a new page.
Finding God - Loyola Press - the textbook series we are using in grades 1 - 6.
Catholic Connections - St. Mary's Press - the series we are using in grades 7 & 8.
Decision Point - Dynamic Catholic - the curriculum for our Confirmation Program.
Safe Environment Program - Diocese of Syracuse
Circles of Care - Diocese of Syracuse Safe Environment Training for Students
American Catholic: Franciscan Media
Busted Halo
Sacred Space
3 - Minute Retreat
New York State Catholic Conference
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
America Magazine
US Catholic
National Catholic Reporter
The Vatican
Catechist's Journey
Finding God - Loyola Press - the textbook series we are using in grades 1 - 6.
Catholic Connections - St. Mary's Press - the series we are using in grades 7 & 8.
Decision Point - Dynamic Catholic - the curriculum for our Confirmation Program.
Safe Environment Program - Diocese of Syracuse
Circles of Care - Diocese of Syracuse Safe Environment Training for Students
American Catholic: Franciscan Media
Busted Halo
Sacred Space
3 - Minute Retreat
New York State Catholic Conference
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
America Magazine
US Catholic
National Catholic Reporter
The Vatican
Catechist's Journey